It’s Friday, which is our one full day off each week. It is a family day of just enjoying our time together. I’ll be back tomorrow with more traditions but for today, here’s what we’ve been up to in our house.
Follow me on Instagram @bearcubcreations
We pulled out our new Nativity out. Aston is in love with it and I love that we get to talk about baby Jesus every
Because my hubby works for our church, he has been working weird hours to get the sanctuary all decorated for Christmas and ready for the big Christmas Show.
I was left at home on Sunday night enjoying our beautifully lit, half decorated tree. I love sitting in the dark with just the tree lit!
Our Countdown to Christmas ornament is out and up. This morning it reads 24 days, 15 hours, 58 minutes and 49 seconds. 🙂 I love the count down to Christmas!
Aston doesn’t like me doing things without him these days, so he joined me in the kitchen sink to “help” with the morning dishes. He is sooooo busy these days!
Enjoying myself some Caramel Apple Cinder and Sesame cookie. Oh and my Christmas dishes!
We showed up to my in-laws house early the other night, so that we could decorate there refrigerator before they got home from work. My MIL loved it 🙂
We decorated our outside fridge too but it’s hard to get a good picture of it in the garage.
This week, I started watching my nephew-cousin (my cousin’s son) and we watch him on one of Maxwell’s days off. He is so good with kids and babies and just stepped right in to help me out! I have a very special and great husband!
Oh this picture makes me giggle. It’s not the best because he was moving so much but Aston decided he wanted to try and sit in the Bumbo that we have pulled out of baby M. He hasn’t fit in it since he was 6 months and still doesn’t. He was so mad I was taking his picture and not helping him out. 🙂
I hope you all had a great week! Enjoy your weekend!