This year, we decided that we would start the tradition of doing an Advent wreath. Maxwell’s family did one while he was growing up. The 1st Christmas while we were dating, I was at there house for dinner during the month and they did there advent wreath each night at dinner.
I had never seen one in someone’s house before
. I thought it was a very interesting way to prepare our hearts for the season. As I was thinking of things to do this year with our little boy to prepare and “teach” him about Jesus, I thought this would be a great way for our family to sit down and talk about the true reason we celebrate, Jesus’ Birth!
I found this free advent activity calendar from Thriving Family, you can get it for yourself here. This year, they are going through the names of Jesus and the series is called “Knowing Him By Name.” We started it last night and while it is done for older families, we adapted it to work for us.
Last night, the name was “I Am” and the first candle is the prophesy candle. We went back to Exodus 3 to read more of the prophesy of this name of Jesus.
How we made our wreath:
When we decided to do this tradition, we looked online for wreaths that we could purchase. Maxwell’s parents have a metal one that is kind of neat looking but we couldn’t find anything like that, so I looked up some ideas on Pinterest of course :).
Silver plater or any kind of round plate
Evergreen pieces. We used the stuff we cut off our tree.
4 or 5 candles. We used 5 because we wanted to have a Jesus candle.
Jute twine
We took the 4 white candles and wrapped them with Jute about 4 times around and tied a knot. The 4 white candles represent Prophesy, Bethlehem, Shepards and Angels. Our 5th candle is silver and represents Jesus. You light one candle each week, until all the candles are lit. We light the Jesus Candle on Christmas day.
Then we placed them on the plater and placed the greens around the candles. When that was finished, we placed the pinecones in place.
We are doing our advent wreath activities and reading after dinner and before bed time, so we placed our wreath on our tv stand table.
Above it, I hung this
Noel Banner above it. You can download it
here. Print on white card stock, cut, whole punched the corners, threaded them with Jute and hang it. I love how it looks!
It’s not to late to do your own Advent Wreath. Get everything together today and you can just catch up on the day(s) you’ve missed!
