2017-2018 Homeschool Curriculum
Morning Time-everyday
- Call to worship:
- MFW Bible: Using the Preschoolers Bible
- Memory verses from the MFW Pre-K Curriculum and AWANA verses.
- Hymn: we will be learning a new hymn each month that we will also be learning the story of using the book “Then Sing’s My Soul.”
- Sing fun kid’s Bible songs and preschool songs to go with the season
- Calendar Time will be us going over what the day is, weather, temperature, etc.
- This may also be a time where we read a picture book.
Science is the Hippo Boy’s favorite subject so we will be doing this every day. We have chosen to use Sonlight Science A. It is an everyday program that uses lots of Usborne books that we own so it was a good choice for us. I’m hopeful this will be a good program.
We will be alternating History(Social Studies) and Geography every other day.
- Geography: Evan Moor Beginning Geography
- Social Studies/History will be a variety of topics and unit studies we pull together. We will discuss Community Helpers, Native American’s, National Holidays, US Presidents, and anything else we feel we’d like to use. If I have time, I’ll post resources I use for these units.
Art- 1x a week
We have decided to go with HomeArt Studio for our curriculum. It’s a video based program and I’m really looking forward to the kids learning art in this way. We will be using the Kindergarten, 1st Grade and Holiday Art’s and Crafts DVD’s which we purchased from Homeschool Buyers Co-op. We will also be using the Usborne Big Book of Colors and the Usborne Art Treasury. Both books are great and I explain how we will be using them in my video below.
Health and Wellness
In California, it is recommended that you teach health in some capacity. The topic is covered some in the My Father’s World Pre-K Curriculum we are using for Leia and partially for Aston as whole group content however we are adding these two books to the mix throughout the year as it fits: Why do People Eat? and What Makes Us Ill? We will also talk about safety as well.
I created a video with all the details below!
Please let me know if you have any questions and I will be sure to review how the year went as things go.