Moms! I have a book that I think every mom should read! I have been discouraged in my role as a mother as we have been thrust head first into some discipline challenges. Aston has hit the “twos” with a terrible everyone has mentioned. It has been hard to watch our sweet boy sin but we are all born sinners and we have much to learn in this world.

Motherhood takes it’s toll. It is a 24/7 job that never ends once you become a mother. You always think about, worry about, pray for, take care of and love on your babies, no matter how old they get. I have felt a great worry about my parenting and whether I was doing it “the right way.” Beyond Bath Time: Embracing Motherhood as a Sacred Role (True Woman) by Erin Davis gives me so much encouragement. We are designed to be mothers. We will fail and fall short but our purpose is to raise and train our children to be followers of Christ and we are the ones training them for the legacy. It’s a daunting task but in this book, she give great examples of mothers in the Bible whom have gone before and none of them were perfect and they raised some unbelievable men and women of God.

I seriously urge you to read this book if you are a mother or plan to be a mother at some point. I am halfway through this book and it has opened my eyes in such encouraging ways and given me such great inspiration! I cannot wait to keep reading this book and look forward to nap time when I get a chance to read the next chapter.

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